
New Year’s Eve

It is customery in Japan for people to sit around the table with their family, and eat buckwheat noodles on New Year's Eve. The new TV and sofa were delivered today and changed the atomosphere of our living room. I'm looking forward to wha…

Online shopping

Online shopping is both cheap and convenient. We bought daily necessities such as canned beer, seasoning sauces, and soft drinks from a major supermarket. They offer free delivery when the total price is over 3,000 yen (about 23 pounds). I…

Night train to the stars

Mr Kenji Miyazawa is one of the most famous poets in Japan. One of his masterpiece is 'Night Train to the Stars' published after his death in 1933. It was my favourite poem in my childhood. I happened to find a English version of the story…

CNN English Express

CNN English Express is a monthly magazine that deals with the latest news broadcasted at CNN. Since the magazine is well designed for English learners, it provides them with opportunities to learn natural and practical American English. I …

Driver’s license

A driver's license in Japan has to be renewed every three or five years, while the license in the UK is valid for ten years. The renewal period is between one month before and one month after the driver's birthday, which is easy to remembe…


Miss Mao Asada finished 2nd in the ice-skating competition. I heard that she had been in an awful slump this season, though she won the silver medal in the last Olympics. I'm glad to see that she's recovered her form, and that she is throu…

New TV

We've decided to buy a new new digital TV set, because the current analogue TV will not work any longer next summer. We have chosen a TV, because there is a built-in DVD recorder. In addition, it's the company I work for.

Christmas dinner (クリスマス ディナー)

Today is my birthday. I've become 30 plus something. I and Non went to a Japanese style grill restaurant to celebrate. The cook served a 4 course meal over a grill counter where he cooked meat, fish and vegetables, and elegantly dished the…

Hang in there

I haven't reviewed this Tuesday's lesson yet, and neither updated my daily expressions nor studied phrasal verbs in the textbook. I was supposed to finish reading a novel for teenagers in English before leaving the UK, but actually couldn'…


I'm impressed by many aspects of this country in terms of efficiency. At the office, all the shelves are specially designed for standard ring files. There are small basins in the toilets specifically for brushing teeth, and free vending ma…

English lesson (英語のレッスン)

I took a web English lesson for the first time after I moved back to Japan. There were no technical problems with video communication using Skype. So the first lesson was successful and fruitful. I'm determined to continue to take this Eng…

Just my imagination

That turned out to be a groundless fear. While I was working at the office today, everyone was nice and kind as usual. I feel comfortable working at the office.


I feel like I've getting nervous when I think about my first day back in the office. I wonder how long it will take some time for me to adjust to the Japanese culture and work habits. That was why I couldn't sleep well last night and myy h…

Nabe hot pot

We went out for eating inner organs of cows and vegetables cooked at the table. This type of dishes is called 'Nabe' in Japan. We could choose from several vegetables and meat to add to the hot pot. The stock tasted wonderful and really hi…

Mobile phone

Purchasing a mobile phone was one of the must-do things when we came back to Japan. I was a bit surprised to know that the prices were generally higher than 2 years ago and there were few options for pay-as-you-go phones. Softbank (mobile …


I and Non have just arrived at Itami airport after 2 years and 3 months. All the memories with people that we made friends with will stay with us throughout our life. Though I will go back to the same house and office as I was in before, I…


Sent from my iPhone

26日金曜日は会社の同僚の人と食事会(フランス料理 La Trampette)があったので、ロンドンに出かけました。夜が遅くなりそうでせっかくの機会なのでロンドン市内に宿泊することに。 これまで何度かロンドンに出かけたのですが、実は大英博物館に行ってない…


今週末は天気がよかったのでのん(妻)と一緒にケンブリッジを散策しました。 今月に入ってから最高気温も15℃を超えない日もちらほら目立ち始め、コートを着て出かける人が多く見られるようになりました。ケンブリッジの秋も深まってきました。



今週末はブランド品のアウトレット「Bicester Village」に買い物に出かけました。 お目当ては前から目をつけていたTUMIのかばんと皮のジャケットでした。 結局、免税価格で200−250ポンド程度で売られているビジネスかばん(写真の下)が表示価格170ポンド、…


今週末もどこへ出かけることもなく、近所のカレッジを散策しました。 近くのセントジョーンズカレッジもすっかり秋らしく木々が色づいてきました。秋満開です。


今週末はどこへ出かけることもなく、近所のカレッジを散策しました。 すると木の実をいそがしそうに集めるリスの姿がたくさん見られました。 こちらのことはお構いなしに、働くリスを眺めていたら時間が経つのを忘れてしまいました。


9月13−17日まで仕事で日本出張に出かけていました。 日本に帰ると写真のような懐かしい食事が食べたり、友人、知人と会えるのは楽しいのですが、やはり時差ぼけと長距離移動で生活のリズムがすっかり狂ってしまいます。 このあと日本の暑さとイギリスの気候…


今週末も食料品を買いにスーパーマーケットに出かけました。必要なものを買い物カートに入れてレジ待ちしているときに、ふとレジの横にあるチラシに目を留めました。 それは「ペット保険(Pet Insurance)」。イギリス人にとってペットは家族同然の存在です…



イギリスで1200万人が視聴しているといわれる人気番組「X factor」の2010年シリーズが昨日始まりました。 X Factorとは歌の実力を競う選手権で、以下の4段階を通じてその年の優勝者を決めます。 ステージ1:オーディション(予選) ステージ2:ブートキャン…

サッカーワールドカップが7月上旬に終了して1ヶ月余り。イギリスのサッカーファン待望の国内サッカーリーグが昨日開幕しました。新聞の見出しは「Forget World Cup ... Football's coming home(ワールドカップを忘れなさい、サッカーは(発祥地の)イング…

ジブラルタルでは、町全体が見渡せる丘(The rocks)にケーブルカーで登り、天然の猿が見られる散歩道(Nature reserve)を散策しました。 その後は、洞窟や博物館(great seige)をめぐりました。丘の途中から眺める空港やディズニークルーズの風景はなかな…