

At last I purchased a cork board I have wanted for long, because I planed to put up postcards on the board that I collected during trips across Europe. I see each photo especially the one I bought in Cambridge with deep emotion. The great …

The first working day

At the first working day of the year, the president or the general manager usually gives a short talk to their employees. The financial year of most Japanese companies starts in April and ends in March, however the New Year is one of the m…

New Year’s dishes(おせち料理)

Osechi-ryori are specially prepared New Year dishes which are cooked in order to be preserved for at least three days. We enjoyed colourful dishes at the inn including zoni soup containing rise cake, vegatables and chicken. After that we v…


Nara held celebrations to mark the 1300 year's anniversary of establishment of Heijo-kyo capital last year. We visit Non's parents in Nara every New Year. It's customary for us to stay in a Japanese inn (ryokan) which has a natural hot spr…

Card game

I and Non played Old Maid with my brother's family and my mother. It's called 'Baba nuki' in Japan, which means drawing of an old lady. In the Japanese version, players collect pairs and try not to be left with a joker (wild card). I hear …

Heavy snow

The first news I heard in 2011 was about traffic disruption because of heavy snow in the western part (west of) of Japan. Over two hundred drivers were stranded at the national highway for 48 hours overnight, which was caused by the breakd…